Emma's Footprints

If you're wondering if there are angels on earth, let me tell you where they are: at Emma's Footprints. These women have dedicated their lives to help family and friends grieving pregnancy and infant loss. The lives of these angel babies were cut far too short, but the impact their lives had on those around them are immeasurable.

The Emma's Footprints Memorial Walk is Saturday from 9:00am - noon at a new location this year - Penn State Behrend. Follow the signs to The Junker Center.

Join me, Sammy Stone, and Chuck the Promo Guy as we stand and walk with these families.

Wolfie will be there playing wolf tracks. Enjoy complementary coffee and donuts before the walk and some local food trucks after the walk!

The event is beautiful Registration is free. I hope you'll join us.

www.939thewolf.com or www.emmasfootprints.com for more info

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