It's A Small World After All

In a world of almost 8 billion people, it's hard to believe that we are just 6 introductions away from any other person on the planet. Think about how cool that is! It's amazing how worlds collide sometimes. It happened for me Monday night.

Asbury Woods is doing a Free Music Monday event this summer. We decided to take our daughters to see Katie and Jesse.

Katie was one of my girls' teachers at their old school. She is AMAZING! My (almost) 13 year old said, "Katie has the kind of voice that I could listen to all day!" And it's true! Plus, it's neat to humanize a teacher and show your kids that they do have a life outside of school. ;) My story about Jesse goes back over a decade.

My husband and I met Jesse in Nashville about 14 years ago. We happened upon him one afternoon at Tootsies and were completely impressed! We talked to him after his set and found out that he was originally from Erie! Instant bond! We got his EP, and he had a track on there that we LOVED called "With You." My husband and I used that song for years as a lullaby to our girls.

Monday night at Asbury Woods, we reintroduced ourselves to Jesse. He remembered us immediately! I told him about "With You" and how our whole family loved the song... and he played it for us!

So cool how our paths crossed again after all this time!

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