This guy just may be my soulmate!

There is a guy near Salt Lake City named Tim Crowley. Tim was hanging out with his neighbor having a few beers when something fell out of the sky. What was it, you ask? It was a baby bird! A baby finch to be exact and looked to be just a few weeks old. The little fella couldn't fly and they knew that the baby bird would die if they didn't do something.

Here was the issue. They were too drunk to drive so they sat and thought things out for a moment and came up with a brilliant idea! They called an Uber! Yep...they called the bird a Uber. They sent the bird and driver to a nearby wildlife center. As you can imagine, the workers at the center were confused because the baby bird was the only passenger in the car. The driver explained what was going on and they got to work fixing up the baby finch.

Now the bird is doing MUCH better and they think they will be able to release it back into the wild by the end of the summer...just in time to migrate.

Yeah...this Tim guy is my soulmate. I just know it!

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